Here I share the answers from 54 people when asked for advice on healing eczema.
Eczema is a skin condition which causes flaking skin, often accompanied by itching.
(The spelling is a little tricky. The word is pronounced exema!)
Many articles on this website are specific to the illness ME/CFS.
Eczema is not a symptom experienced by all those living with this chronic illness, but it is quite common.
As someone who lives with ME Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I have lived with eczema on my forehead for many years.
Strangely a year ago it moved to my ears!
Please note that these eczema healing treatments are recommended by people's personal experience. Use your own wonderful judgement in deciding which ones to try. Some treatments listed below were found to give relief. Others were experienced as an eczema cure.
This advice will also be helpful for anyone who is asking 'How can I stop itching?'
Some of the brand names may only be available in the UK. For example, Waitrose and Boots.
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Eczema and itching can be common for those, like myself, who are living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Luckily for me, for many years now the eczema I experience has been confined to a small area of my forehead which is hidden by my fringe!
On the downside, I prefer not to use any cream on my forehead as it makes my hair greasy!
The most popular advised treatments for healing eczema out of a total of 54 responses were as follows:
Feel free to let me know your own advice for eczema in the healing forum.
These are eczema treatments which can be purchased online or in shops or based on food you will have around the house. No medical prescription is needed.
ST: If you just want something soothing Cocoa Butter is very good, and was recommended for one of my tattoos. Definitely eased the itching. I don't know if it will benefit the eczema perse, but might give you a bit of respite.
JM: Aloe? Or mix aloe and hydrocortisone.
MC: Aloe Vera gel...bestest thing ever. You can get 99.9% from health food shops or buy a plant. Split the leave and use the gel straight from the plant.
It's so fantastic. And you can digest really safe
RC: aloe vera gel, or calendula cream
PA: I've
found always that the medical eczema creams make mine worse. Anything without chemical
perfumes or a chemical base is better -pure
lakes creams work wonders
JM: Calendula is very hit and miss--a lot of people are allergic to it...
KG: E45.
RC: Active honey?
PG: Aloe vera?
LF: I am using Waitrose Baby Bottom Butter (yes, it's really called that)'s v gentle on facial eczema and smells lovely (basically olive oil and chamomile)...
also Therapeuticsmoisturizer from Essentially Yours has been a lifesaver for my eczema ridden skin.
I can't do anything prescription based or E45 as allergic to all of them...
NV: If you persist with the rich creams and get past the stinging, they will eventually work. I use E45. It feels like it's burning my skin off to begin with but if I keep applying, it gets better.
JH: Inectopure coconut moisturising cream.
LQ: I used to use a veterinary product called Vesagex- I have no idea what it might be called in human preparation. It immediately soothed and helped my hands heal - really bad eczema which was cracking and causing me pain and problems.
Vaseline helped my son.
KM: Try the sap from an Aloe Vera plant - maybe diluted first, just in case of a reaction. It has amazing healing properties.
JAT: Try an infusion of chamomile and lavender flowers (a weak tea) and place cotton pads, soaked and squeezed, over eyes for a few minutes about 6 times during the day or whenever you can.
SP: Have you triedAqueous cream? You can get a large tub for cheap. But bad eczema can only be shifted by steroid cream in my experience.
HA: I've had this a few times and it's awful.
Olive oilfor the dryness and v v tiny amounts of hydrocortisone creamfor the redness. Lots of sleep and stress relief.
Origins' 'Drink Up Intensive' overnight mask, on the eyelids is great too, it's the only thing I found that took away the flakiness without having to apply a hundred times a day. Hope it goes sharpish!
ZV: The aveeno range is great. It uses oats which are very soothing for the eczema.
RD: I get eczema around my eyes too. I use Daktacort which I get from the doctor: the pharmacy sells it but don’t sell it for the area around the eyes!. It's good, though, and clears up very quickly.
MT: I use Calendula cream
AA:Hydrocortisonecreamis available non-prescription, I think, 0.5%, should clear it up in 2-3 days. Also for long term use Aveeno is gentle and effective moisturiser.
CWL:Accupunture? Been looking into this myself this morning as potential fix for ongoing tonsillitis - so fresh in my mind!
CC: I use
Big pot of 500gEmulsifyingcreamfrom Boots around a fiver. You
have to ask for it over the counter. It's the only cream i find that I don't
want to rip off my face. I use this whenever I flare up.
KC: I use Lucas pawpaw ointment from the Bodyshopfor healing eczema. It comes in a red tube It's very gentle i find.
ZBT: i find that creams you can buy from health stores can be good.
MIB: Maybe camomilecream - 'Kamillosan' cream is gentle, healing, and soothing.
JP: Honey and avitamin Ecapsule squished to get the oil out. Honey works on everything for me. And as someone else said - stress relief.
EWB: I use aqueous cream, really cheap generic version of E45 etc.
AMD: This will sound weird, but try porridge oats. We bath our daughter with blitzed oats (in warm water) and it helps her a lot.
NM: I suggest oats too.
NM: I haven't tried it for healing eczema but ... Lansinoh, lanolin in a tube, very soothing for cracked/sore nipples (not much tenderer than that!), maybe worth a shot?
AR: Oilatum has worked for my husband in the past but doesn’t any more.
ML: E45
RLS: Rescue remedy cream
MD:Propolis gel - totally natural product from bees - brilliant for healing eczema.
LOB: Aloe Vera gel. It's miraculous stuff and completely natural. I used to work as a whole food and health products buyer and this stuff was a huge seller.
If you or anyone you know has an aloe Vera plant, you can just snap a leaf and squeeze out some of the gel and use that.
CE: I use Astralmoisturiser for this. Dirt cheap, very soothing, but no good if you're allergic to lanolin.
KEB: I don't know if it will help with healing eczema, but Noxzema is brilliant stuff. It's hard to get over here but it is, eg, on amazon. It was developed as a sunburn remedy...
Decleor Prolagene Gel
Marion M: Have you heard of Decleor Prolagene Gel it was how Decleor came into being when a scientist first invented this for people with burns and then they realised when it was being used it also was marvellous for wrinkles etc so Decleor then went on to become what it is today but they still make Prolagene and it still does for burns scars etc what it always did.
My husband has terrible ezma in the winter and I
suddenly thought I wonder if Decleor Prolagene Gel will help and it has.
It hasn’t been so
bad this year as as soon as it starts itching we coat it in Prolagene
and it cools it down and stops the itching and heals.
I realise it’s
not cheap. I buy mine from qvc when it’s a todays special value and works
out very reasonable then as it goes a very long way.
Note from Katherine:
The avoidance of some household chemicals and even some natural
essential oils has
been essential for me to manage the eczema.
I advise you to look for a cause of eczema including the possibility of food allergies.
Karen, on twitter, wrote to say that avoidance of dairy products is a way of healing eczema for some people.
If your symptoms are aggravated by stress, then consider learning relaxation techniques. You might enjoy this guided healing meditation.
Continuing with the eczema forum....
KJC: I only use hypoallergenic non fragranced shampoos and face creams and make up on my face- some brand shampoos and conditioners are terrible if you have sensitive skin. Just about all the suggestions above i couldn't use, although they are very good.
COR: Dust seems to be my big trigger, so I have to clean with damp cloths and wear gloves for a lot of houshold stuff - it's greatly helped.
KJC: Find out what is causing the problem- i get it on the face after cuddling the dog . Pollen could cause it too...
NV: Bizarrely, I found when I stopped taking dietary supplements and vitamins tablets, my skin calmed right down. It could be a coincidence and there might be something else I've changed about my diet/lifestyle that I haven't taken into account, but it definitely coincides.
JM: Are you
taking Omega 3, vitamin D?
The solution to healing eczema is in what you eat, as is
the solution to healing anything!
KG: Fucidin H cream from the GP.That's very good.
JM: Try some Nizoral cream from the doctor—it heals the huge cracks by my nose when I get them.
NV: Your doctor should be able to prescribe a steroid cream too, which would calm your skin down.
JM: aloe vera gel, lavender gel and/or calendula cream work on my eczema; prescribed drugs never have really... worth trying one/all of these?
COR: I'm prescribed double base as a moisturiser, that works for me.
AMG: I would take antihistamines and examine what may be the cause - have you suddenly started to use a product more than you did previously? - a well used and loved product can suddenly turn toxic on you.
Then I would
definitely go to the doctors to see what advice they have to give. I have
suffered greatly from eczema (I don't have any right now thank goodness because
I follow my doctor's instructions very carefully)
You'll need a cream
with an anti bacterial element. Obviously, the skin round the eyes is extremely
delicate so get some proper advice.
The stuff I have
for everyday is called 'Dermol'. You can use it in place of soap too.
SLJ: Diprobase (i get it on prescription but it might be available over the counter, not sure).
AM: I'm told that Betnovate Scalp Application is the best, but I think it needs a prescription. I know someone who has been suffering for ages and it's the only thing that really works. Personally I favour porridge oats.
DS: It might not be eczema. I had something similar last year and turned out to be periorificial dermatitis, a form of rosacea. Steroids were totally the wrong thing to use but by then, too late!
I saw consultant dermatologist and it took 4 months to clear with double dose of antibiotics and antihistamines. I have been using Clinique Redness Solutions ever since and touch wood, no probs. Sudacrem gave me an allergic reaction which just increased my misery so please be careful!
Thank you to all of those who contributed their advice on healing eczema. All personal details have been removed to protect privacy.
Joining you in seeing you healed,
Katherine T Owen
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