Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosis
Different Criteria for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosis
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome diagnosis is confused by the fact that there are
a number of diagnostic criteria as follows:
- The Oxford criteria for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (aka CFS)
- The Centers for Disease Control
(CDC) criteria for CFS
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- The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) criteria for CFS
- The Canadian consensus criteria for CFS
- The Institute of Medicine diagnostic criteria for CFS - further information below.
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Symptoms required for diagnosis of SEID or CFS, suggested by IOM (in the USA)
From the above list, the most recent set of criteria for a CFS diagnosis are those issued in February 2014 by the USA organisation, the Institute of Medicine (IOM).
The IOM suggested that the following 3 core symptoms should be required for a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome diagnosis.
- Fatigue and reduced activity which has lasted more than six
- Fatigue that is worse after exertion
- Unrefreshing sleep
According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) one of the following two symptoms should also be required for a diagnosis of CFS or SEID
- Cognitive impairment, also known as 'brain fog'
- Orthostatic intolerance - patients find it hard to stay
upright for long
These diagnostic criteria suggested by the IOM do not differ greatly from the other CFS criteria listed above.
(At the same time, the IOM also suggested that CFS be renamed as Systemic
Exertion Intolerance Disease, with use of the abbreviation SEID).
If you are asking "Do I have CFS?", please consider if your symptoms meet these criteria.
The matching of your symptoms with one of the sets of these criteria are the basis on
which Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is diagnosed.
For my comments on the IOM criteria, please keep reading.
Alternatively, click through for a list of simple steps to live with a CFS diagnosis, manage the symptoms and assist the possibility of recovery.)
Katherine comments on the IOM criteria for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosis
- A common symptom of Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome is muscle fatigue. It is a crucial CFS symptom for me and one I find to be shared by others. I believe muscle fatigue should be included in these criteria.
Of course, appropriate research would be necessary to find out if this symptom is shared by all.
It is important to distinguish muscle fatigue from general fatigue.
Many people with CFS do not take repeated movement of any muscle group without subsequent muscle fatigue and muscle pain. Persisting in the movement leads to a reduction in the amount of exertion that the muscle will tolerate before fatigue and pain set in. For myself post exertional muscle fatigue is the most limiting of the CFS symptoms.
Personal experience. As a result of this symptom of muscle fatigue and pain following movement, I experience the most pain and the most restricted movement in those parts of my body which I use the most - my eyes and my fingers. Historically I had extreme muscle fatigue in my arms, leading me to rely on carers to feed me for 14 years.
- I agree with the Institute of Medicine (IOM) that a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome diagnosis should not be given before 6 months. It is difficult to be ill so long without a diagnosis, but chronic fatigue is symptom of many different chronic illnesses.
I hope that the 6 month guideline encourages doctors to investigate other possible causes before giving the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (or SEID or ME) diagnosis.
This article has been written by Katherine T Owen
Katherine is the webmaster at She is author of Be Loved, Beloved (available on or kindle). She was diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis in 1993.
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Articles relevant to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosis
Just diagnosed with CFS. Newly diagnosed. What can I do to manage symptoms? What can I do to recover? Advice for the newly diagnosed. What now?
Fibromyalgia test. Blood testing available with some USA medical insurance companies. Mapping is an affordable private compromise if you are asking Why do I have chronic pain through my body?
A misdiagnosis of CFS is a natural concern for any of us living with CFS or ME. This Chronic Fatigue Syndrome article lists chronic illnesses with overlapping symptoms.
- What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? And what are the symptoms of CFS? Read more here.
- Are you asking: Have I been misdiagnosed with CFS?
To avoid a CFS misdiagnosis certain conditions need to be excluded.
In addition, there are chronic illnesses which frequently coexist with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Click through on the link above for a list of illnesses with overlapping symptoms to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
- Or click through for tips on what to say in reply to the question: "What is the cause of CFS?"
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