I have finally got around to providing a sitemap to all the articles on this website.
It is not super user-friendly as it is designed in part to help the search engines to navigate HealingCFSME.com.
But I hope you find it helpful to find the healing article you are looking for. I know I do!
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Proceeds go towards the cost of the website. Thank you. Enjoy!
The following are themes covered on this healing website.
To find the list of related pages, please scroll down.
Healing Forum - Share your wisdom, leave your comment
Healing Blog - Latest articles published. And healing articles revisited.
Chronic illness get well cards
Earth Energy Healing Grounding products that I use.
What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosis
Misdiagnosis of CFS - What else could it be? - Chronic illness and diet related
Misdiagnosis of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis - What else could it be?- Deficiencies, environmental eg toxicity and others.
I have just been diagnosed with CFS - What do I do now?
Metabolism Reset Diet for healing the liver:
Rotation diet to discover if a food is making you ill (food sensitivity /sensitivities)
Swindon CFS Groups (I live near to Swindon, Wiltshire, England, UK, in the village of Wroughton.)
Wheelchair accessible country near Swindon (where I live)
My recovery from Severe ME- Photographs of the early days after starting to be able to do more again.
Recovery Severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome- Over 11 years on, I still live with the illness, but thankfully at a less severe level
Skills to help you cope with chronic illness
Pacing Activity - An essential approach to living well with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
How to Improve Life with Chronic Illness: Healing and Purpose - An introduction to a collaborative book which shares the stories of those finding purpose in a time of illness.
Pyroluria - a sad personal story
Buy Minerals for CFS - my recommendation
Magnesium for ME/CFS
Probiotics for ME/CFS - my bad experience!
Communication Problems - If you are living with with ME/CFS and have lost the ability to speak normally, here are some tips from my own experience.
Loss of speech can occur for a person with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
For a family member or friend. How to help a person with ME/CFS to understand your speech and communicate with you
CFS and Exercise What is Post exertional Malaise (PEM). Doctor's quotes advising people with CFS/ME to rest as needed.
ME and Exercise If you need to explain to someone why as a person with CFS/ME you can't exercise much, this article will provide you with some of the relevant research.
Healing Prayer CFS - praying for greater health.
Prayer for housing for people with ME/CFS,
for feeling at home in our own body, and for refugees.
Prayer for CFS - for Spiritual Healing, for Research, for ME/CFS Advocates, Finance, Benefits
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Prayer for treatment, for the strength to let things be,
for kindness to be received,
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Prayer for wise media coverage. Prayer for loneliness to be eased and replaced with a healing sense of connection.
Prayer that a member of your family or friend will offer support to you as a person with CFS/ME or refrain from unhelpful behaviour. Also, a prayer as a carer of someone with ME/CFS for strength and guidance.
Ill and fed up. Praying for strength and guidance.
List of practitioners who treat fatigue as a symptom of multiple conditions, including ME/CFS
5 simple exercises to heal from trauma
Keeping Alive your Hope for Healing
Please help yourself to my ebook for FREE when you sign up to this website - The 7 Stages of Grief of Chronic Illness
Healing self worth in a time of illness - receiving thanks for all you do
Do you feel anger about chronic illness? It's normal!
Doctor's quotes about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
More quotes. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Suitable for #MEAwareness
Healing Poems - Poems by Katherine Owen (myself) on relationships in a time of illness.
Illness and Relationships- A guest article about romantic relationships. There is additional permission from myself to be where you are with feeling open to a relationship.
Research into the amazing power of information to heal pain
Script for a Healing Meditation
CFS Book extract giving a healing meditation
Healing meditations
scripts for easing tinnitus and recovery of hearing
Alternative Healing Methods - an introduction
Healing Methods- 9 simple self healing approaches you can incorporate into your life
Self Healing- find a healing method you can engage with each day at home
Thank you so much for being here.
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Thank you from me, Katherine, author of HealingCFSME.com
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© Katherine T Owen. All articles on this website are copyrighted. I am delighted if you choose to click above to share this page on social media, but please
do not copy, print or otherwise use without my permission. Thank you. Disclaimer:
I am not a medical practitioner. The articles on this website are not
to be taken as medical advice. Please consult a medical practitioner as
necessary. |