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This is a review for Zincuta ointment.
I got offered a free sample of this cream for eczema via my Twitter account in exchange for a review.
Before I said
yes I checked that they were up for me giving an honest review.
To be clear, I’m
not getting paid for doing it.
In this review I am calling Zincuta a cream for eczema.
I am using it for eczema, but it states that it is a product for healing numerous
skin complaints. It mentions burns, sunburn and raw sores. It mentions psoriasis
on the website. It doesn’t mention dermatitis, but I’m guessing that it
includes that too.
It also calls itself an ointment rather than a cream.
I found it quite impressive to be sent a free sample from America (I am in the UK). It implied a great belief in the product.
Please know I am not an expert on treatment for eczema.
have had eczema on my forehead, and ear eczema for many years now.
I’m lucky
that it’s not too troublesome. I generally don’t put any
ointment, or moisturiser on it.
I haven't found anything that cured it or even helped.
I think of the eczema as not visible.
It’s only in the process of writing this review for a
treatment for eczema that I have thought to photograph my ears.
Now I’ve seen
what they look like, it occurs to me that friends might have been noticing the ear
eczema for some time!
The Zincuta cream for eczema arrived in a 2 ounce screw-on tub.
The words on the front are:
“Zincuta ointment. Best skin remedy.
Prepared by the apothecary Brooklyn New
The wording on the back is:
“this ointment is without a doubt the best preparation known
for burns,
sunburn, eczema and all kindred afflictions of the skin.”
The instructions are as follows.
“Apply ointment to affected parts and keep the same well covered by preparation
until healed.”
The ingredients are listed on the back.
The best before date is good – two years from now.
Two things astonish me in this wording. First of all, technically they’re probably not allowed to say that it is “the best” or “without a doubt the best”. Such wording is discouraged by trading standards.
In addition I was astonished at the directions that if you keep
an area well covered by the cream for eczema it will be healed.
In my experience, products don’t claim eczema cure or healing, only temporary relief
from itching or symptom management.
I first tried Zincuta on the eczema on my forehead. I found the
smell too strong.
It made me feel a little woozy. I was about have a visit,
so I wiped it off.
Please know that at the time of writing, I have multiple chemical sensitivity. For me this includes problems with terpenes – terpenes
are the strong smell present in wood and flowers. For example, I can have
trouble with pine furniture in the bedroom.
You may love the smell of the ointment. (I left the lid off for a little while by mistake, and for me it was like having an essential oils diffuser lit, but then my environment is very perfume free.)
I have eczema in both my ears. The next day I put Zincuta cream for eczema inside the right ear.
This time I made sure to apply it sparingly and to wash the smell of the ointment
off afterwards.
I could feel the difference and at the end of the day there was a noticeable reduction in eczema and in itching compared to the left ear.
I thought this difference would change after a few days, and
then I would reapply.
That was on Monday. It’s now Sunday– six days later. As an experiment – I
haven’t reapplied Zincuta cream for eczema since. The right ear still has noticeably
less eczema than the left ear.
It doesn’t feel like it has any loose skin, whereas there is skin in the left ear.
(The instructions tell you to keep reapplying the ointment.
This experiment
of waiting to see when the benefit wears off is for the purpose of the review.
Also in part because the chemical sensitivity deters me from putting the cream for eczema on often.)
Interestingly, it’s not even a fair comparison. Even though the left ear is still itching, the lack of eczema in my right ear has encouraged me to stop scratching my left ear, so that is also better than usual.
After these first eight days, I am impressed with Zincuta
ointment as a treatment for eczema.
Any product I have tried before has been at best temporarily soothing, with no sign of healing the eczema.
I am back writing this many days later.
Fourteen days after the first application, the eczema had increased in my right
ear - the one to which I applied the ointment. The dry skin is not back to the initial level though.
I reapplied Zincuta cream for eczema.
This time I used a little bit of plastic bag to avoid putting it direct on my
I also put the ointment on in the morning, rather than at night time.
This time the
smell didn’t bother me.
To be clear, it is not a bad smell, it’s just that I have a sensitivity to it.
Two days later there is actually hardly any eczema my right ear, whilst my left ear – untreated – continues to be covered in the extra skin.
Please see photo above.
(Clearly there still is ear eczema in the treated ear, but interestingly it didn't feel like it.)
It makes me think that if I applied this regularly as per the instructions,
maybe it would cure the eczema.
Either way the product certainly helps. Perhaps
it is the 'best' cream for eczema as it claims on the tin!
The itching
is reduced and easier to resist.
Is Zincuta ointment the best cream for eczema?
The simple
answer is I have no idea without trying all the others!
But I am very impressed with it as a treatment, as a help to
stop itching, and as a possible cure for eczema.
Be aware if the smell might be strong
for you. I’m guessing that for me it is the smell from the lavender and bergamot essential oils.
You can look at the ingredients on their website .
This is a natural remedy for eczema and contains no chemicals.
The area of my eczema is very small, so this tub would last
me for years.
A very minimal application has reduced itching dramatically and brought healing,
so it is worth trying it even if the site of your eczema is much larger.
My conclusion is that it is well worth
trying Zincuta cream for eczema itching and healing.
Personally if I had eczema on my hands, I wouldn’t use
this ointment because of the strong smell.
Zincuta is not limited to being an eczema product. It claims to be the best skin remedy, so it may be worth trying for other dry skin complaints. Psoriasis is mentioned on their website.
I am interested in this being a thorough review, and being helpful to you as a visitor to Healing
As I say I
have no investment in the company.
Do feel free to let me know your own experience with Zincuta ointment via the
guestbook/healing forum.
I hope this review of this 'best' cream for eczema has been helpful.
Please see the link below to move to the page on Healing Eczema. This lists eczema products that others have found helpful.
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