Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Prayer -
for ME Awareness and to ease loneliness

This is the fourth article on CFS and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis prayer. Please join your mind with all who visit here.

On this page I primarily use the term Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (Over time, I have been given this diagnosis, the diagnosis of CFS  and have been mapped for Fibromyalgia).
Please feel free to adapt the prayers to include the diagnosis you have been given.

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Contents for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis prayer

  • Prayer for wise media coverage for ME/CFS (THURSDAY)
  • Prayer for guidelines that accurately represent the needs of a person with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/CFS. (THURSDAY)
  • Prayer to ease loneliness in a time of chronic illness (FRIDAY)
  • Prayer to be at peace with abandonment or loneliness in your past. (FRIDAY)

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CFS /Myalgic Encephalomyelitis prayer for positive ME Awareness

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis prayer for wise media coverage

Dear God,

We pray for journalists in the media.
Guide journalists to be wise and compassionate in their writing about the ME/CFS community.
Guide them to do their research.
We see them experiencing the satisfaction of accurate representation.

We pray for all those of us with ME/CFS who are on social media.
Let us share information which allows people to meet those with this chronic illness with compassion and understanding.

We see the power of words changing lives for the better.

Any time we feel we are sending out frustration at media coverage, we honour that feeling of frustration and then choose to the best of our ability to send a blessing.

We hold a vision for a world that accurately represents this chronic illness.

We see a world in which our emotional health is eased by accurate communication and the receiving of appropriate understanding and support.

Thank you.


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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis prayer for guidelines

Dear God,

We pray for all those involved in the compilation of guidelines such as the NICE guidelines.

Guide them in all wisdom. Thank you.


bible prayer to ease loneliness

Prayers to ease loneliness in a time of chronic illness

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Prayer to ease loneliness

This prayer is applicable to any long-term chronic illness

Dear All that is,
It can feel so lonely to feel ill.
I would like someone to be here with me.
Or perhaps someone is here with me but I feel lonely with them.
I can’t say how ill I feel because they might be bored of hearing it.
Or they might tell me to be positive.
Or they might tell me I am complaining about nothing and I would feel more lonely.
Sometimes, even I don’t like hearing myself noticing the symptoms!
Guide me to give myself the understanding I need.
Bring into my life someone who soothes me with their understanding.

My God, I place any symptoms I have on your altar.
I place any loneliness I feel about those symptoms on your altar.
I don’t know how to feel OK in this situation, but I am doing my best to create a space in the clutter of my mind and to invite you in.
I am willing to have a sense of my oneness with you.
I am willing to know myself to be at one with every living thing.

Speak to my mind, God. Speak to my heart.
Let me know your love for me.
Give me a sense that you are here with me.
Give me the strength I need for this moment, and the next 5 minutes, and the day ahead.
Thank you that you are the Love behind all things.
Thank you that I am and always will be a part of you.

To the best of my ability, I let go of my sense of separation. I let go of my littleness.
I affirm my connection with you, my unity with you, my wholeness in you.
I am yours.

I remember also that I am not alone in this experience of loneliness.
Others are reading and relating to this prayer. 

I ask that my prayer brings you more deeply not only into my own life
but more deeply into the lives of all who have or will pray this prayer with me,
and into the life of anyone I think of now.
We are one.

Please help them.
Please help me

Thank you.


Myalgic Encephalomyelitis prayer to feel at peace if there is one or many who has left your life in a time of severe chronic illness

If there is one who has chosen to play a smaller part in my life or leave my life since it included chronic illness,
I honour any feeling of grief that arises.

If there is one who has chosen to disengage from the reality of a life lived with illness,
I honour any feeling of grief that arises.

I cultivate a safe environment in which I find the courage and stability to feel this grief.
I can feel this grief AND receive God's love.
I can feel this grief AND have a sense of God's presence.
I can feel this.
I can feel this.

If there is a person who is not present with me emotionally or physically, I send them a blessing now.
Let me touch in this present moment a sense of togetherness and connection.

For any loneliness felt in the early days of illness....
For any past loneliness. ..
I speak healing into those memories.
I send a blessing to someone in my past who no longer plays the role in my life I may have wished.
Lead me to be at peace with my past.

Lead me to be at peace with the possibility of a future
abundantly exceeding a past situation in experience of togetherness and connection.

For myself and all who read this.
Thank you.

loneliness prayer to ease

Prayer to heal the loneliness of a carer of a #pwme Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

A prayer to be said BY a carer of a person with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis(#pwme)

If I have an experience of one who has chosen to play a smaller part in my life
or leave my life physically or emotionally since it included
the experience of caring for someone with the illness Myalgic Encephalomyelitis,
I speak healing to my heart.
I speak a deep sense of spiritual connection and unity into my life.
I speak positive future experience of finding one or many who listen, understand and adapt to the restrictions and expansion in my life.


The same Myalgic Encephalomyelitis prayer to ease the loneliness of a carer said FOR a carer (caregiver)

If you have an experience of one who has chosen to play a smaller part in your life
or leave your life physically or emotionally since it included
the experience of caring for someone with the illness ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis),
I speak healing to your heart.
I speak a deep sense of spiritual connection and unity into your life.
I speak positive future experience of finding one or many who listen, understand and adapt to the restrictions and expansion in your life.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Prayer, for inclusion

Dear God,
I am at a level of health where I need adaptation from another to be included.
Perhaps I need adaptation to communicate.
Perhaps I need someone to accompany me because I am in a wheelchair or scooter.
It feels lonely when someone doesn't adapt to include me.
I miss out on their company. And they miss out on mine.

I see in my life someone who adapts in a way that allows me to function and be included.
I hold this vision. Thank you. AMEN

I understand that you need me. I am your hands, feet, your voice.
As I open my mind to you, I give you entry into this world.

I choose to adapt my life to include silence and spiritual practice in a way that allows you to be included and to function fully in my life.

Thank you for wanting to be included. I include you. I appreciate you being in my life. AMEN

an image that represents connection and belonging

Thank you so much for praying one of these prayers for Myalgie Encephalomyelitis / CFS support.

Your time, your voice, your faith - small or big - are so appreciated.

Book of Spiritual Love poems

Wishing you health both within and beyond illness,


Katherine T Owen

Katherine T Owen runs this website -

She is author of Be Loved, Beloved (Read it in paperback at or on kindle)

Articles Related to  Myalgic Encephalomyelitis  prayer

Click here to read a page which includes the following CFS/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis prayers:

  • Prayer for spiritual healing
  • Prayer for research including an AUDIO . Also Prayer for finance for research
  • Prayer for those that run committees or are involved in ME/CFSsupport groups, advocacy, fundraising or events
  • Prayer for finance for a person with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to feel safe

Or click here for the following

  • Prayer for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis treatment to be available and effective
  • Prayer for ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to be met with kindness and dignity

Or click for a prayer for a family member or friend of someone with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.

  • Visit another website for spiritual quotes about loneliness. You will find many more prayers, as well as articles on forgiveness, love, inner peace and meditation. Also ME/CFS articles about my journey with this chronic illness at a very severe level.

Click below for a prayer asking for healing from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /CFS.

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Thank you from me, Katherine, author of

© Katherine T Owen. All articles on this website are copyrighted. I am delighted if you choose to click above to share this page on social media, but please do not copy, print or otherwise use without my permission. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical practitioner. The articles on this website are not to be taken as medical advice. Please consult a medical practitioner as necessary.

Disclosure: On some pages, there are affiliate links, for example to Amazon. If you click and then buy within a certain time period, I will receive a small commission which goes towards the running of this healing website. Abundant thanks :-)