Desperate don't know why I am ill

by Greg DeHas
(Saint Peters MO USA)

Hi. I have been a very active person all my life until about 1 year ago. I can barely do anything anymore and i don't know why. I've been to many docs. My wife is also sick. I don't know how to continue to handle this. I'm am very desperate. Thank you

Reply to Desperate don't know why I am ill from Katherine Owen

Dear Greg,
Thank you for your heartfelt message.
It's so tough isn’t it to go from being very active to not being able to do very much.
I am so sorry you're going through this.

Have you been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Is that how you found this website?
Unfortunately, a diagnosis is not necessarily the answer to health, but it can help with that feeling of "not knowing why".

Did you and your wife both get sick at the same time? If so, is there perhaps a clue to the cause of your illness in your environment?
See the article on alternative diagnoses to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – particularly the considerations of environment.

You say "I don't know how to continue to handle this"
It is completely normal to feel that way.
When our physical energy drops often the demands in front of us require more than the resources we have available. By definition, we are not in a situation to handle it.

But there are many self healing and self help approaches that can allow you to cope with not coping. And to have increasing times when you do feel you're coping. Please take a copy of my free ebook available on this website which takes you through the 7 stages of grief in chronic illness. Knowing about the stages can help you to be gentle with yourself.

You don't say if you are person of faith or up for exploring faith at this time.
Either way, meditation, often called mindfulness, is open to people of all faiths and none. It's so important at a time of desperation to have a daily practice of calming your nervous system. This in itself is beneficial for physical health. Please explore this website for guided meditations.

Greg, I am sorry there are no easy answers to recovery of your health.
My apologies at the time it has taken me to reply. As you haven't left your e-mail, you won't receive notification of this reply, so I'm not even sure you will get it.
I send my love and hope out into cyberspace to you and your wife.

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